Sep 13, 2023Liked by Arjun Madgavkar

Good review! Banville's definitely a writer's writer (a common title thrown at him). It's been a few years since I've read this so forgive me if I misrepresent anything.

Like you, I didn't mind the elegant prose. In fact, it mingled and emulsified well with the story given that most of the text are these slippery, lucid memories, ebbing and flowing in their clarity within Max's mind. But this the only Banville that I've read so I can see why it can get old quickly if he does this every time out.

Anyway, as Max ages and approaches death he feels the sea returning. It consumes us all eventually.

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Hey - thanks!

This is beautifully written: "In fact, it mingled and emulsified well with the story given that most of the text are these slippery, lucid memories, ebbing and flowing in their clarity within Max's mind."

And I somewhat agree with this: "But this the only Banville that I've read so I can see why it can get old quickly if he does this every time out." I'm not sure if I would get tired of him; I would, however, need to space him out with plenty of other writers.

What are you currently reading? What's coming up on your list?

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